Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project
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- Mortality
- Fragmentation
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Current Status

Bear mortality


Using 8 years of DNA survey data we estimated the population size in several Grizzly Bear Population Units (GBPUs, Figure 3) (Link: Proctor et al. 2007a S Purcell S Selkirk population estimate). The BC government has adopted our estimates for setting hunting quotas in the South and Central Purcell GBPUs. Because of their threatened status, there is no grizzly bear hunting in the South Selkirk and Yahk GBPUs. And to help improve inter-GBPU movements, the BC government has created a no-hunt buffer zone in the southern portion of the S Purcell and the C Selkirk GBPUs.

Our mortality summary revealed that most mortality in the South Selkirk and South Purcell/Yahk region is occurring on the periphery of these areas where humans live (Link: Proctor et al. 2005 Mortality Summary Report, Kasworm et al. 2009). To minimize bear-human conflicts and grizzly bear mortalities we raised funds to support a regional Bear Aware Specialist, in cooperation with the BC Provincial Bear Aware Program, who has been operating seasonally for 4 years. Education to improve methods to coexist with large carnivores is a very important part of living with grizzly bears. The good news is that it can work. Controlling bear attractants is a proven method to reduce bear-human conflicts and minimize bear mortality. It solves landowner problems with bears, helps local grizzly bear populations, and works to improve inter-mountain connectivity by allowing bears to survive movements through human environments.

We also have been working successfully with the BC Conservation Officer Service to intervene in potential wildlife conflict events. We work for a quick response in potential grizzly bear conflicts at home sites or farms. If we intervene early enough before a bear gets conditioned to human food sources, we can teach them to avoid settled areas. See Report a Problem Grizzly for more information

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